lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

one of my favorite film

In 2019 the enterpise (UAC) discorvs a special gate the gate can teleporter the man from to Mars. Ad the UAc decides to create laboratory and investigate the caverns in MArs.
The principal scientist does an experiment . The experiment is about the special chromosone in the "Ancient Race". This chromosones are special because they people very strong , very intelligent and activate the gene of fast healing and the experiment results a favorite because the man gets transformer in to a best and scapes from the experiment and begins the kill everyone in the laboratory.
The Uac hires special military servers to clean the "investigation laboratory" When the military force arrives in the gate the are teleport in to the laboratory and go to investigate it, the protagonit's sister is a scientist who has to get the information of the experiment.
The team finds the creature and discovers if thr man has got a bad heart to create fights with him but doesn't kill him only transforms the man into another ceature. If the man has got good heart the creature kills him.
The team go to kill another infected people but the creature cam security area and beginsto infect every one.
The menbers of the team were being killed by the creatures and the protagonist's nickname is "Reapper" was dying and her sister inject him the chromosone and becomes a special man and begins to kill every creature.
The Sargent was infected and he begins to fight with Reapper, the Reapper kill the Sargent her sister and reapper can run away from the laborator.
In m opinion this film has got a lot of action because you don't espect the creature when it appeard, and so you get scared: I like this type of movie it is not scary but action movie

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

Unemployment anoing young people

Some time ago when there was not such an increased recession, young people look for good conditions for jobs.
Nowdays that has changed because youn people are more interested in getting job, no matter under what conditions. It's due to the high unemployment rate but young peopl who haven't studies.

People who haven't got studies have two way: the first one is their own or aplly for professional training.

The ones who get the choice of running their own company see in the current situations an opportunity to set ground for better times.
And the ones who aplly professional training widen up the possibility to find a job

My second favorite game

The second game is the Assasin's Creed, the story of the game is about Assasins who belongs to a Creed, the creed searches the peace in the sacred land by the time of thith Crusade.
Altair is the name of the protagonist and h ekills the enemies of" the peace". And finally he rebels out against his master because the master has got the power to control the people'minds.
This game has got a lot of strategix and Action because you have to see the enemies move and fight with them, For example , I had played one game turn , I have seen the enemies strategy for one hour , of course I was playing in the very hard mode.
And the game has got a lot of action because when you kill an important person " the city" begins to chase the assasins.
NOw I 'll buy the secondth part.

My favorite game

Mi favorite game is the God of war , the story of the game is about a captain of Esparta who change his soul for his life , the god of war "Ares" hear his prayer and goes to rescue him.
Ares gives Kratos the biggest power on the earth kratos does some misions for the gods for 10 years. And finally he kills god once god has rescued him.
The game has got a second part, but it's fantastic , I prefer the first one because I know the story of " the ghost of sparta" This game has got a lot of violence but this game is one of the best videogames of the world.

My oral presentation

My self evaluation

In my opinion in this oral presentation. I have made some mistake about languages, such as using incorrect form os some verbs going the incorrect pronunciation to difficulty verbs and some linkers.
Another mistake is there I was sometimes I looking at window instead of looking at audience.
I think my mark is 7
My real note is 6.5

sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

A trip

One day..
I woke up up at four o'clock because we had to catch a car early, we went to Andalusia three days with friends to arrived in Andalucia in the evening.

We stopped in some service station, the travel was larg and boring but we arrived. I went down with my friends and cousin fot the town.
In the mornig we went to Grazalema and prepared to a walk about 5 kilometres near the river. WE had lucnh with my relatives and friends, After the lunch we going to bed because wewere exhausted and we went to spleep , At night we had dinner with friends and we agreed to return home.
The trip back home was more boring than the begining because , we woke up at nine and stopped in aproximaly the same places. We arrrived at midnight.

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2009

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

Comparation Adrian Mole with Thirteen

In the begining has good influencies but in the film tracy goes out with bad influencies.
For example Adrian was a good student and tracy finished retaking school.

Adrian wasn't drug addict and tracy takes a lot of drug.

Adrian had sex with her girlfirnd but tracy a lot with a strange person.

Adrian wasn't very popular and tracy was very popular but in the end she was " unknewn"

The Adrian parents get divorced and tracy's parents too.

Now tracy's character
She was a good students in the begining, decent girld friendly to a worse student , a rebel she become a thief and drug addict.

Now Adrian's character
He was anormal student in the story a good persona , responsible and friendly
IN the soty ( thirteen) some of the characers say "If you'renotthat way, you'renothing" First this sentence is wrong , because is your opinion is you decide or not.