miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Discuss with a friend : the rich countries are the most irresponsible


German: I agree with the discussion about the article, the parts I agree with are the pollution caused by the factory , city and cars of these country other ideas I agree with , for example: we are transforming the world into a bigger rubbish dump , and we have to try to change our live style, but I don't agree with the big companies ideas to changing from country to country to avoid some laws but these are fake because the company change the country only for the laws but to get cheaper labour, get monopoly through extortion the low price for resource.

Now we will do the discurss

Adrian: I thought the people who live in the developed countries irresponsible because, the factories produce a lot and cause a lot of pollution but a few people do very important movements for try to get a clean planet, actually I think the type of people who control the factories have got economical power to "breaking the rules" and continue to emit pollution in low level than before but it's possible that in a near future the planet keepers will win the war against pollution and corruptions "these last is completely impossible".
One of my friends thinks the world is too contaminated and this can generate a lot of problems for us, for example: the climate changes, the higher CO2 level in atmosphere and finally a war for resources.

German: As a conclusion I think the rich countries are the worst place to fight against the climatic changes because these are the places who emit a lot of pollution but in another hand in the poor countries they haven't got money to get people concerns about the danger climatic change represents for the planet.

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