Figueras has got 13.000 trees of 75 dyferents species.
A big tent was installed, in Figueras on the 3 of may but on 7th of may Figueras was the place to present the trees of Figueras " by Josep Viñas and Cristian Viñas" this book consist of the representation in all dyferents types of trees. At the time the book has got 5 routs to see the trees in the city. Aproximatly on ehundred people visited the presentaion of the book.
Many people participated to choose the trees which were publish the book. Every tree had different cardm in this contanin a llitle part of information of tree.
In the presentation of book Santí Vila explains that book was an enterpraise with the objective of impulse the botanic tourism in FIgueras, some people think that it was a very good idea to keep the important culture in the city. With the book participate a few of people for example Conxi Molons and Lluis Vega.
In my opinion I will buy this book to do the different Botanicd routes which it explains.
And its is a very good idea to get people concienst the importance of trees in the cities.
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